Strengthen Your Immune System!

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to talk to you all as a Health Coach by addressing the immune system. During this pandemic, we need to keep our immune systems strong. The best offense is a great defense right? While there’s no evidence that strengthening your immune system is going to prevent or cure Covid-19, it’s best to bolster our immunity in case it needs to fight infection.

In my video, I talk about healthy habits to help your immune system. The basics if you do not want to watch is:

  1. Get Sleep (at least 7 hours a night!)

  2. Eat Whole foods (especially fruits & veggies)

  3. Eat Healthy Fats (Omega 3 helps fight inflammation)

  4. Probiotics (Helps the healthy gut bacteria to improve immunity)

  5. Limit Sugar Consumption (Sugar causes inflammation in the body which decreases immunity!)

  6. Get Some Exercise! (Helps your body fight infections)

  7. Manage Your Stress (This is huge right now! Anxiety & Depression can lead to a lower immunity)

  8. Healthy Supplements to bolster immune system. (Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Elderberry, Garlic!)

If you have any questions or comments, do so below and I’ll be happy to respond back. Stay safe & healthy everyone!

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